The Cat Who Ate Danish
Modern (1967)
Jim Qwilleran is not exactly overwhelmed by his
new assignment for the Daily Fluxion. Interior
has never been one of his specialties and now he's supposed to
turn out an entire magazine
on the subject every week! But
the first issue of Gracious Abodes is barely off the
presses when
Qwilleran finds himself back on more familiar
territory—the exclusive residence featured on
cover has been burglarized and the lady of the house
found dead...Now Qwilleran and Koko—the
Siamese—have their respective mustache and whiskers
twitching, and when Koko starts
pawing clues in the
dictionary and sniffing designer furniture, Qwilleran finds
himself doing a
feature on a very clever murderer.
RikkiLee19's Home Page
The Cat Who Could Read Backwards
The Cat Who Turned On and Off
The Cat Who Saw Red
The Cat Who Played Brahms
The Cat Who Played Post Office
The Cat Who Knew Shakespeare
The Cat Who Sniffed Glue
The Cat Who Went Underground
The Cat Who Talked to Ghosts
The Cat Who Lived High
The Cat Who Knew a Cardinal
The Cat Who Moved a Mountain
The Cat Who Wasn't There
The Cat Who Went Into the Closet
The Cat Who Came to Breakfast
The Cat Who Blew the Whistle
The Cat Who Said Cheese
The Cat Who Tailed a Thief
The Cat Who Sang for the Birds
The Cat Who Saw Stars
Special Cat Who Books:
The Cat Who Had 14 Tales
© 2003-2008 rikkilee19@peoplepc.c
Created: JUNE 5, 2003
Updated: SEPTEMBER 2, 2008